Check the time..

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fun DAY!!!

Today, school as usual. I shout shout shout for class to KEEP QUIET, no response (sometimes onli lar)
I shout till no voice-,-"
After school, Flora, Pearlyn, Vienne and Melinda came over to my place to PLAY!!!
I had so much fun! First, we played hide 'n' Seek quite fun larh but then Vienne had to go home so we went down she play i bit of batminton then her parents fetched her home.
We then ltr play batminton and Flora do the HUla HUla dance on the skateboard for abt 45 min,we thristy so me Flora, Melinda and me went to buy. I took long  cut so can exercise abit then flora thristy so we in the end took the short cut, while my bro Clarence Boey played batminton wif my ____ and_____. (not saying names.) Then i took the longest way back because I so called 'LosT' my way-.-". Reach back then play again we played till abt 5.45pm then went up rest then Pearlyn went home. Then Flora thought me and Melinda how to put words into the pictures then she and Flora went home I tried the program and this is what my ----"Shi FU" thought me!
